Pet Spay and Neuter Services

There are so many good reasons to spay or neuter your pet. On top of safeguarding their health and preventing disruptive behavior, spaying or neutering also helps to lower the homeless pet population.

a cat lying on a table

Orlando Pet Spay and Neuter Services

Spaying or neutering your pet is essential for responsible pet ownership, as it helps to prevent your pet from producing unwanted litters. While the number of unwanted, homeless companion animals euthanized each year has dropped, nearly three million healthy dogs and cats are still put to sleep annually because they lack homes. Our pet spay and neuter services in Orlando reduce those numbers by eliminating unwanted or “oops” litters. The procedure even helps prevent the urge to roam or fight and protects against numerous types of cancer.

a dog sitting on a table

Did You Know That Pet Spay and Neuter Services

  • Help to prevent different types of cancer
  • Help to prevent aggression
  • Help to prevent “roaming” throughout your neighborhood
  • Prevent unwanted litters

A Pet Spay Neuter Orlando Process You Can Trust

While all surgical procedures have some risks, vets do so many spay/neuter procedures that they generally have the process down to an art, and complications are rare. It can be safe and reasonable to neuter a puppy or kitten at just a few months old, long before the first heat, and, contrary to old wives’ tales, there is no benefit to letting a female have a heat cycle before spaying. The fewer hormones running through the system, the better everyone feels.

Orlando’s Trusted Pet Spay-Neuter Service

During a spay or neuter surgery, some issues can arise with some animals, such as snub-nosed dogs like pugs and French bulldogs; they may need a different anesthetic and a longer time on a breathing tube for the best outcome. Your vet will be happy to discuss this with you so you can be sure to do what’s best for your pet. After surgery, your dog will come home to recover. You’ll have to administer pain medications and antibiotics for a day or two and give your pet a comfortable place to rest and heal. Usually, if there have been no complications, she’ll be ready to be up and back to normal in just a couple of days.

Surgery may sound a little scary, but in the long run, it’s the best, healthiest thing you can do to ensure your pet’s long-term health and happiness.

Comprehensive Orlando Veterinary Services

Michigan Street Animal Hospital offers a wide variety of veterinary services, from pet surgeries to pet dentistry procedures. Michigan Street Animal Hospital also offers one of the least painful cat declawing services, getting your feline friend back to normal in no time at all. Looking to stay on top of your pet vaccinations? Look no further—we are happy to list all of your pet’s upcoming vaccinations to help you keep them up to date.

All these services and more make Michigan Street Animal Hospital one of the best vets Orlando has to offer and one of the best low-cost vets In Orlando. Contact us today to schedule your first appointment!